Friday 25 June 2010

Come and get it! Cash in the armchair and on the web!

Hello to you!
Starting today - a new blog which I see as a fishing net which I'm going to dip into the swirling waters of the internet and catch a significant amount of that free money which is swirling around out there (nice metaphor? Or can you think of a better one?).

So Wilkommen, bienvenue, croeso and welcome to my blog - I hope you like it and that it's useful to you.

So what's it all about?

I've been aimlessly swanning around trying my hand at websites, referral programmes, get rich quick (not!) schemes for years now and until relatively recently, I've ended up paying more than I've made in a lot of schemes and "offers". So many of the "schemes" and "failsafe opportunities" involve stitching someone up to make money out of their trust.

This year I made a New Year Resolution for the first time in my life. I decided I was going to do it properly, actually research money making methods and give it a proper shot instead of just joining loads of sites and never really giving anything enough attention to succeed.

I also decided I was going to share what I found out and that my approach was going to be based on honesty and recommending stuff I know to be good.

So I hope you'll look here for regular reviews of routes to our early and wealthy retirement starting today with my review of the cashback website Greasy Palm.

I hope you'll find this blog useful and sometimes entertaining and I welcome your comments which I will try to respond to as frequently as possible

Thanks for reading this and I hope you'll come along again soon.


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