Five Simple Rules

Here are my five simple rules to keep in mind at first when you’re looking to build an income online:

1.Stay calm –
Don’t expect too much too quickly. The only sustainable way to live off your online income is to build it up securely. In my early days I was an enthusiastic and gullible little fellow who would start a project off and then keep going back every few minutes to see how many hits I had. So don’t panic – you will probably take a few months to bring in realistic money. In the meantime, every little success helps. Probably one of the most instant results can be seen from joining cashback websites and this is as good a way as any of starting off with your enthusiasm rewarded. See my free article on Greasy Palm to get started and DON’T PANIC!

2. Don’t be too trusting –
Anyone who wants you to join a website/mailing list telling you it will all be done for you and the cash will roll in is lying. More to the point they are trying to hook you in and then give you the hard sell until you pay them for some scheme which only really makes money for them. I’ve lost count of the ones I’ve signed up for in the naïve hope that this is the genuine one – it never has been.

3. There’s no such thing as a free lunch –

but you can put yourself into a position where your free lunches come from your previously invested time and effort. What you set up carefully now will start with a trickle and build up to what will hopefully be a flood. By the time it’s a flood, you won’t be working nearly as hard as you did to start off the trickle.

4. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket -
Don’t put yourself in the position where you rely totally on one source of income – if anything happens to this one source, you are thrown right back to square one. I found myself in this position with one pay top click advertising programme which was building up very nicely for me. The company closed my account with no warning saying that some adverts had been clicked improperly. I could get no further clarification from them and I lost quite a bit of money I had built up. I still don’t know what I did wrong. The point is that I had been doing quite nicely with this one source of income and thought that, as it continued to build, it would make me rich on its own. Once it was withdrawn, I had to start again elsewhere whereas if I had been constantly starting off new income strings, it wouldn’t have been such a setback.

5. No income is too small -
If I get an opportunity that makes me £2 per week, I’ll take it happily. They all add up – ten of them make £20, 100 of them make £200 etc. Then, when I build up to £10 or £20 a week each, I’m laughing!

I hope these little tips are of some use to you. Although a lot of it is common sense, it represents what I have actually experienced. It's worth noticing that even otherwise extremely intelligent and careful people can be taken in by experienced and unscrupulous marketing scams.

Good luck and Here's to you!!